Daily Recaps

Daily Recaps

The highlights from WCN 2023

The XXVI World Congress of Neurology brings together experts and innovators in the field to share groundbreaking research and insights into the world of neurology. Here you will find daily recap videos that capture the essence of this remarkable event.

Day 1: 15 October 2023

Speakers: Eva L. Feldman, Walter Struhal

Day 2: 16 October 2023

Speakers: Tissa Wijeratne, Hadi Manji

Day 3: 17 October 2023

Speakers: Vanessa Carvalho, Ksenia Pochigewa

Day 4: 18 October 2023

Speakers: Briseida Feliciano, Guy Rouleau

Day 5 | Part 1: 19 October 2023

Speakers: Walter Struhal, Beomseok Jeon

Day 5 | Part 2: 19 October 2023

Speakers: Walter Struhal, Volker Hoemberg

These daily recap videos offer a glimpse into the wealth of knowledge, collaboration, and innovation that took place during the WCN 2023, demonstrating the ongoing dedication of the neurological community to improving the lives of individuals affected by neurological disorders.